The Eureka Middle School has two semesters, each filled with two sets of nine weeks known as quarters, making four quarters in the year. The 1st quarter brings both fun and sometimes dreaded back-to-school vibes. Even though it’s the beginning of the year, there are some challenging assignments and enjoyable school activities. The Second Quarter marks the arrival of the cool season, with Christmas and a fun break accompanying it. The Third Quarter starts off cold but gradually gets warmer as time goes on. During this time, holidays like Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter come along. The 4th quarter signals the end of the year. Tracks begin and the hard assignments slowly fade away, but students should still strive to do their best. Due to this ongoing debate, we decided to ask 15 people the question: “What is the best 9 weeks of the school year?”
- Blade Zimmerman: 4th quarter
- Ryan Follmer: 1st quarter
- Alivia Schrock: 4th quarter
- Brennan McAllister: 4th quarter
- Selah Musgrave: 1st quarter
- Alyssa Hitchins: 3rd quarter
- Mrs. Burnham: 4th quarter
- Haley Zimmerman: 2nd quarter
- Gabriel Preciado: 2nd quarter
- Jocelie Tharp: 3rd quarter
- Landon Lopez: 4th quarter
- Brooklyn Adams: 3rd quarter
- Stella Wilson: 1st quarter
- Enlee Weigand: 2nd quarter
- Caylee Johnson: 2nd quarter
- Cayden Fogo: 3rd quarter