I noticed that most students at EMS seem tired, and I wondered if any of them have considered nap time in school. The University of Pennsylvania conducted a study on students who took a 30-60 minute nap during the day. Their research showed that the students were happier, displayed better behavior, and had improved self-control compared to those without nap time.
I asked one student from each grade the following questions: “What are your thoughts on nap time in school?” and “How many hours of sleep do you get each night?” Here are their responses:
- 5th grader Austin Logan said, “It’s cool” and “10.”
- 6th grader Addison Shields responded with, “I think it’s kind of boring most of the time” and “About 7 or 8 most of the time.”
- 7th grader Jadon Bunting exclaimed, “Nap time, yes. Goated” and “7 to 8.”
- 8th grader Hannah Jonees said, “I think it would help you learn more, like focus more” and “Probably around 5.”
What are your thoughts on nap time in school?