Do you like movies? No, maybe you like books then. There are an estimated 158,464,880 books and an estimated 500,000 movies in the world. Out of all of those stories, it would be hard to pick your favorite one. We asked some students at EMS a very hard question, which was, “What is your favorite book or movie?” They all gave great answers.
Milo Stalter said Home Alone was his favorite movie.
Alyssa Lehman said her favorite movie is The Christmas Story.
Bronwyn Mayo said her favorite movie is Titanic.
Landon Wettstein said his favorite book is The Man Called Moon.
Nohl Blunier said his favorite book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Miles Brown said his favorite movie is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.
Brooklyn Sauder said her favorite book is Shatter Me.
Joah Stalter said his favorite movie is Home Alone.
Pictures from Wikipedia Commons