This week for Hornet Spotlight we interviewed Charlee Plaisted for 7th grade. We asked her some questions about lots of different topics.
The first thing we talked to Charlee about was her transition from living in Arizona to living in Illinois. We asked her how the school rules are different between Arizona and here. She said it is very different, in Arizona, there is a really strict dress code, no short shorts or shirts and no holes in your jeans, it is much more lenient in Illinois.
Next, we asked her whether she likes living in Arizona or Illinois more. She said she misses Arizona a lot but she likes living in Illinois more.
Lastly, we asked her what the hardest part about changing schools was. She answered by saying that there wasn’t too big of a change because she has moved schools a lot.
Next, we started to ask her some questions about herself. We decided to ask her what her favorite activity outside of school was. She responded by saying “soccer, because it’s just fun”.
When we asked her what one celebrity she would want to meet and become friends with she said “Harry Styles because I love him.”
Another thing we asked her was if she could only eat one meal for the rest of her life what would it be. She answered by saying spaghetti.
When I asked her what is one interesting fact about herself that she wants other people to know, she said “I’m very flexible.”
Next we asked her what 3 things she would bring on a deserted island with her. She answered our question by saying “Harry Styles, another outfit, and spaghetti.”
Next, we asked her if she could have any pair of shoes she wanted, what would they be. She said “Converse high tops.”
The last question that we asked her was if she could have any 3 wishes in the world, what would they be. She answered by saying “To meet Harry Styles, have a pet bird that can talk, and to be able to do a back handspring.” That concludes our article about Charlee Plaisted.