Since Halloween is coming I decided to interview people for what their favorite candy to get on Halloween is! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!
This is everyone’s favorite candy!
Brinley Adams: Sour Patch Kids
Carter Farney: Chocolate bars
Mrs Rocke: Something sweet, a great treat called Faire Coffee, buy me one tomorrow.
Dylan Grimm: Sour Patch Kids
Phoebe Hyten: Hersheys bar
Bella Burnham: Snickers
Ben Johnson: Reeses Pieces
Mrs. Selvey: Twix Bar
Polly Zeltwanger : Kit Kat
Emma Sweeney: Full size Snickers
Tenley Prather: Sour Patch Kids
Kenzy Thompson: Reeses
Analise Hubert: Sour Patch Kids
Madi Nelson: Gummy Bears
I hope you get lots of candy this year!