8th grade: Kaitlyn Brugger
Q.What is your biggest fear?
A.Being home alone and someone breaks in
Q.What would you do to avoid that fear?
A.Lock all the doors
Q.What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
A.Belly flop
Q.What is a scary thing you would be willing to do?
A.Bungee jump off a cliff
Q.If you had walked into a room with a crocodile in it what would you do?
A.Run away or turn the temp cold like they did on Fuller House
Q.If you could make three wishes what would they be?
- successful life
- happiness
- besties
Q. What do you want your last meal to be?
A. All you can eat crab buffet, roast, and chocolate cake at red lobster
Q.If you could meet any person from the past, present, or the future who would you want them to be?
A.Nick Jonas
Q.What is your favorite subject in school?