There are many animals out there, such as dogs, cats, turtles, sharks, and bears. Many people would say their favorite animals are domestic animals like dogs or cats. Some would say their favorite animal is a wild animal like a wolf or bear. I asked some people what their favorite animal is, and these were their answers.
- Ezra Dohner said Skunk because he did a project on them in first grade and he doesn’t really care about any other animals since then.
- Ethan Otto said his favorite animal is a dog because they are cool.
- Beni Schrock said his favorite animal is a monkey because they are cool.
- Jarek Klaus said his favorite animal is a Sarcasucas because it was the biggest crocodile in existence.
- Colin Risk said his favorite animal is a dog because they are cute.
- Sam Eastman’s favorite animal is an owl because they are super cool when they hunt.
- Alex Schrock said his favorite animal is a chicken because they are tuff.
- Nohl Bluiner said his favorite animal are fish because he has fish tanks at his house and he loves them.
- Max Brown said, “My favorite animal is an Australian shepherd dog. They are super cute and very playful. They also have really fluffy and pretty hair. They do love to play a lot too. I have one and he is my best friend so that’s why. A dog is a man’s best friend.”
- Ms. Worner said Polar Bears because they are so fluffy and she wants to hug one.
- Hunter Wurmnest said his favorite animal is a dog because he has one.
After hearing all of these responses about so many animals, what is your favorite animal?