There are many hidden talents and hobbies out there, like juggling, playing basketball, golfing, and so much more. I asked some students about their hidden talents, and these were their answers. There’s a lot to choose from or get good at!
- Colin Risk said his hobby is playing soccer.
- Ezra Dohner said he can juggle 6 balls at a time, and his hobby is playing soccer.
- Ethan Otto can draw well, and his hobby is playing basketball.
- Beni Schrock said he enjoys fishing, hunting, and riding his dirtbike.
- Alex Schrock said his hidden talent is playing ping-pong, and his hobby is hockey.
- Hunter Wurmnest said his hobby is baseball.
- Jarek Klaus said his hobby is playing pick-up basketball with his friends. He likes to go and just hang out with them.
- Tucker Knecht said he likes basketball, fishing, and hunting. His hidden talent is singing.
- Chuck Dunbar said he likes baseball and wrestling.
- Beck Westphalen said he likes playing games, and his hidden talent is that he can do a backflip.
- JJ Elven said his hobby is playing basketball, and his hidden talent is moving his arms weirdly so that his elbows touch.