Eli Sliger is a 7th grader at Eureka Middle School. Here’s a look at his average day during the 3rd quarter.
First, Eli wakes up and eats cereal for breakfast. After that, he gets his binder and water bottle ready for school. His dad takes him to school. Once he arrives, he puts his lunch in his locker and heads to Mrs. Worner’s room, where he places his binder and water bottle near the door. Next, he enters the locker room and hangs out there until it’s time to go to the gym for announcements. After the announcements, he heads back to Mrs. Worner’s room, grabs his binder and water bottle, and starts his ELA class.
Once ELA class is over, he goes to Science with Mrs. Bellini. After that, he heads to Mrs. Weaver’s class for more ELA, where he chats with his friends before the lesson begins. Once ELA is finished, he goes to Mrs. Ogg’s room for Social Studies and works on his bell work. Finally, he heads to Mr. Heider’s room for Pre-Algebra. After all that, it’s time for lunch, where he enjoys his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
When he finishes eating, he puts his lunchbox in the locker room and plays basketball during recess. After recess, he completes his “Equipt” work in the cafeteria with Mrs. Worner. Then, he follows Mrs. Worner to her room for Journalism.
For the last part of the school day, Eli goes to PE. After school, Eli’s mom takes him home, where he watches basketball while snacking. Eventually, he has dinner and might even go outside to play basketball. Afterward, he takes a shower, brushes his teeth, and heads to bed.