Would you rather break an arm or a leg? There are cons to both. If you break your arm, you won’t be able to type, drive, open a book properly, build things, do a construction job, or shovel your driveway when it’s covered with snow. If it’s your dominant hand, you won’t be able to write or shoot a basketball normally. You also won’t be able to swim well if you break your arm or leg.
If you break your leg, you won’t be able to walk, kick a soccer ball, dance, swim, jump, play basketball, and much more. Additionally, when you break your leg, you may feel as though you have nothing to do because you’re unable to move around.
In my opinion, I would rather break my arm so that I can still move and run around. I could also kick a soccer ball with a broken arm. We asked some people around the school what they would do, and here are their answers:
- Hunter Wurmnest would rather break his leg because you need your arm every day to write and do basic tasks.
- Colin Risk would rather break his arm because he uses his legs more to play soccer.
- Alex Schrock would rather break his arm so he could still skate.
- Griffin Topping would rather break his arm because he has already broken it three times, so he’s used to it.
- Ethan Otto would rather break his arm so he can still use his legs for running.
- Beni Schrock would rather break his leg so he could play around with crutches.
- Brady Thompson would rather break his arm than his leg because he has done it before, and breaking your leg requires a lot of therapy and takes a long time to get used to again.
- Bryson Stiger would rather break his leg because he says he doesn’t need his arms.
- Jack Wurmnest would rather break his leg so he could have a wheelchair or crutches to mess around with.
- Jaden Bunting would rather break his arm so he could still walk around.
- Ms. Worner would rather break her arm because she feels like she’d be really bad at using crutches if she broke her leg.
- JJ Elvin would rather break his arm so he could still run track with a broken arm.
So, after hearing all of this, what would you do—break an arm or a leg?