Paisley is a 5th grader at Eureka Middle School. She likes sports like volleyball and basketball. Her dream vacation is Hawaii because it seems so cool and pretty to her. Paisley also loves mountains and oceans. Her favorite sport is volleyball because you get to hit the ball, and it is just fun to play and challenging. Her favorite movie is Tangled, but she doesn’t really know why. Some of her favorite hobbies include reading, drawing, and playing basketball. Her favorite book is Land of Stories because it’s so interesting, and they always leave you on a cliffhanger. Her favorite animals are donkeys because they’re so cute and funny to her. Her favorite ice cream flavor is salted caramel because she loves caramel. The best trip Paisley has ever been on was when they went up to the Northeast, like Maine and Boston, because it was cool. She also got to see Niagara Falls, which was fun and pretty. Paisley has three pets: a dog named Lady, and two cats named Pepper and Brouce. Her favorite clothing brand is Nike because they have very nice clothes, and they are very sporty and fit her style.
Hope you learned more about Paisley today.