Brynna Musselman is an 8th grader at Eureka Middle School. We asked her some questions, and here are her answers:
First, we asked her what her favorite sport is, and she replied, “Volleyball because it’s fun to celebrate with your team after a good play.” Then, we asked her what her dream vacation would be, and she responded, “I want to go to Paris because I think seeing the Eiffel Tower would be cool.”
Next, we asked her what her favorite song is, and she said it was Burning Down by Alex Warren. After that, we asked her what her favorite part of school is, and she said it’s spending time with friends.
We then asked her what she likes to do in her free time, and she said she enjoys playing sports or hanging out with friends. Next, we asked her what her favorite animal is, and she said, “A dolphin because I think it would be fun to live in the ocean.”
After that, we asked her what her favorite subject is, and she said, “Reading because it’s the easiest.” We also asked her who her favorite teacher is, and she said her second-grade teacher, Mrs. Williams.
We then asked her who she thinks will win the Super Bowl, and she said, “The Ravens because Derrick Henry is a great RB, and Lamar Jackson is hard to stop as a QB.”
The last question we asked was whether she has a pet, and if so, what it is. She said she has a dog.
That’s all of our questions!