I decided to interview Mrs. Wherley since it’s her last year teaching.
First, I asked her how many years she has been teaching.
She responded, “26 years.”
Next, I asked her what her favorite food is.
“My mom’s chicken n’ noodles,” she replied.
Then, I asked what she enjoys doing outside of school.
“Anything outside: going to the beach, hiking, boating, sitting in the sun…” she replied.
Next, I asked what her favorite teaching moment is.
“I love the last day of school when I get to go fishing with a whole bunch of kids! Great day!” she answered.
I then asked if she could teach any other subject, what would it be?
“Math,” she responded.
After that, I asked, “Is there something you are very passionate about?”
She said, “Kids getting outside and away from electronics—GET OUTSIDE!”
Finally, I asked her if she could go to any country for vacation, where would she go?
“Italy. Beautiful country and people,” she responded.