People’s opinions matter. Opinions are what make everyone who they are. The person whose views will be heard today is Victor Bower. One of the questions was, “If you could go to high school, what would you be excited about and not excited about? Why do you think this?” Victor’s response was simply, “NO.” While it’s unclear what he meant by that, I think he might not want to talk about high school, which is still a long way off for him.
When thinking about the future, another interesting question was, “What do you envision your future job to be, and why?” Victor answered, “An astronaut, so I can explore a new solar system.” I think that’s a fantastic aspiration! Did you know that only 11 out of every 12,000 people qualify as astronauts each year?
Still considering the future, AI has become a significant part of human growth, though some may view it negatively. When asked about it, Victor again responded with “NO,” which was similar to what a lot of other people said.