Should phones be allowed in school?
This is one of the biggest debates in schools today. There are good reasons for each side. One of the reasons phones should be allowed is that they can be used to contact someone in case of an emergency. However, one of the biggest cons is that kids can cheat by simply looking up answers on their phones and claiming they were texting their parents.
- Mr. Heider: “In middle school, no, but in high school, yes, because middle school students aren’t ready for them.”
- Fox Taylor: “Yes, because if there is an emergency.”
- Caleb Farney: “Yes, because you can cheat.”
- Carter Farney: “Yes, because you can play Fortnite and use Google.”
- Mr. Gates: “For middle school, no, because it would be a distraction.”
- Wyatte Hise: “Yes, because they are allowed in high school.”
- Tucker Knecht: “No, because they are distractions.”
- Forrest Henry: “No, they are a distraction.”
- Jason Garnet: “Yes and no, because they are good for emergencies, but they are also a distraction.”
- Easton Hadfield: “Yes, because I can play Fortnite.”