What is your favorite soda?
There are thousands of sodas that have been made, but which one is the best?
- Mr. Heider: Barq’s Root Beer, because Barq’s has bite.
- Nate Berard: Baja Blast, because it is better than everything.
- Jack Stokowski: Root Beer, because it is fizzy and delicious.
- Ethan Otto: Coke, because it is bubbly.
- Davis Nichols: Mountain Dew, because it tastes good.
- Mrs. Rocke: The one that does not exist.
- Mr. Eastman: Mountain Dew, because I like the taste of it but I hate Dr. Pepper.
- Caleb Strawn: Cream Dr. Pepper, because it’s creamy.
- Adam Perry: Dr. Pepper, because it tastes fire.
- Wyatt Martin: Mountain Shoutin’, because I can’t do the Dew.