If You Had Any Superpower, What Would It Be?
7th Grade
- Juliana Tierrablanca said invisibility, because she can scare people.
- Esteban Elizondo said teleportation, so that he could teleport to Texas.
- Dontea Edgecomb said invisibility, because he doesn’t know why.
- Bruce Edgecomb said teleportation, so he can teleport to McDonald’s.
- Easten Hadfield said he would want to fly.
8th Grade
- Justyce Minder said she would want to freeze people, because that would let her run on water.
- Ryeleigh Davis said she doesn’t know.
- Zoey Sprague said speed, because she can get to places faster.
- Cullan Hoekstra said invisibility, because he can go out of class and stop time.
- Grayson Fuller said invisibility, so people can’t see him.
- Kili Rigo said she didn’t know.